
We Answer Your Questions


It can be difficult to know what to ask a home healthcare provider so you know if you’re making the right choice. Here are some points to consider, along with our responses.

Are your services covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, private insurance does not cover our services. We do accept long term care insurance. We also work alongside Medicare agencies to fill in the gaps that medicare will not cover.

Do you have any hourly minimums?
We pride ourselves on our no minimum policy to ensure that you are getting just the amount of care that you need.
How do I know how much care I need?
Our Director of Nursing will create the plan of care alongside the client and their family to determine the recommended amount of care. However, the final decision is up to you.
How can I be sure my caregiver is trustworthy?
Our caregivers are employees. Southern Comfort Home Care is not a registry, we’re a provider; we conduct pre-employment level 2 background screenings, national sex offender registry screenings and OIG fraud screenings as well. Additionally, Southern Comfort Home Care is licensed, bonded, and insured. You never have to worry about being held liable if a caregiver is injured in your home.
How is my caregiver selected?
We will talk to you about the type of personality that meshes best with yours, and assign a qualified caregiver that we think suits you. If we miss the mark, you’re always free to request a change.
Will I have the same caregiver while under your care?
We strive to provide consistency with our caregivers as we understand the value of the comfort that provides. We will do our best to schedule you with caregivers that you know, like and trust.
How do I know my caregiver is experienced and well trained to meet my needs?
We hire only those caregivers who have a minimum of home healthcare experience, and who have proven their successful training before coming to us. We also offer ongoing training for our caregivers so they are always on top of innovations in healthcare.
Can I receive services if I don’t live in my own home?
Yes. We will come to your residence, whether that’s a home, apartment, condo, ALF, SNF, or hospice.
What happens if my caregiver calls in sick?
We will arrange for a substitute caregiver until your regular caregiver can return to work.

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